Millennial Men

For the longest time, the world of beauty has been tied to femininity, while the conversation around skincare and beauty for men was rapidly accompanied under the umbrella of grooming. The result is a more inclusive possibility that offers motivation to a future where beauty is genderless.
As a male, walking into a Beauty Store and trying to glance through the options available used to be some sort of an embarrassment as the stigma around males has generally been that they shouldn’t truly have to worry too much about personal care and grooming, apart from men’s beard care products perhaps.
However, in the recent past, the world has become more inclusive of men within the beauty industry and now there is a further representation of men in this largely women dominated space. Millennial Men have become a lot more comfortable and knowledgeable of what their beauty needs are and deservingly found acceptance within themselves to use beauty products.
It’s a step in the right direction in this ever-growing market in Beauty. Brands across the globe are also now developing products that are gender-neutral and implementing marketing strategies accordingly as well.
Beauty Ethic is a ONE-STOP-SHOP that aims to target females and males to maximize their potential with collections of carefully selected products that are in-line with the Natural, Organic, Vegan and/or Cruelty-free labels.